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Beyond Immediate Gains: The Ethics of Ceasefire between Israel and Hamas
The need for an Israel/Hamas ceasefire transcends the immediacy of political gains when anchored by longtermist moral imperatives.

Iran in transition – what is other nations’ “global” moral responsibility?
As protests continue to unfold in Iran, Hossein Dabbagh asks: what responsibilities do international citizens have towards Iranians?

Russia’s frozen assets: what becomes of them now?
Russian assets have been frozen by western governments. What should be done with them? Should they be used to compensate Ukrainian victims?

Empathy, sympathy and solidarity
Can powerful individuals really empathise with those in weaker positions? Should we rely on their empathy, or instead ask for solidarity?

On Toppling Monuments, Discomfort, and “People Like Us”
How ought we adjudicate between the discomfort of those who feel statues represent oppressive views, and those who value attachment to them?

Cosmopolitanism, Nationalism and Closed Borders in the Covid-19 Era
Does the closing of borders due to CoVid19 signal states are inherently nationalistic? Or are globalists right to emphasise interdependence?

Who is to blame? Scapegoating and gaslighting in the era of Covid-19
In response to the CoVid-19 crisis, the US has responded with unfair blaming and scapegoating. Why is this, and, when is blame justified?

VE Day reflections: Patriotism is our defence against nationalism
What does it mean to be patriotic? The left are criticised as being nationalistic when they adopt the concept. This is an unfair confusion.

The left must spearhead immigration justice
The left has experienced much recent success but is this at the sinister cost of committing to the right's restrictive immigration stance?

Looking Inward: Why we are turning to nationalism to face an international threat
Coronavirus anywhere is a health threat everywhere. We face a common threat, so why is the lure of nationalist policy so tempting?
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