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The Magic We Owe The Future
Photo by Greg Rakozy on Unsplash 2022 has been a rollercoaster for ‘longtermism’. This is the idea that to do the most good, we need to...

What should universities do about now?
What is the purpose of universities? Do they exist to solve practical problems, or for some higher ideal?

Freedom and Freaktopia: re-reading the past to re-imagine the future
Through his work on the Victorian freak show, and ideas from disability studies and philosophy, John Woolf explores the idea of 'freaktopia'

‘Society’s to blame’: Banks, Structures and Climate Change
Who is to blame for our lack of divestment from fossil fuels? If banks reflect society, then is it us or them who is responsible?

Climate change and the existential issue it raises
Climate change raises important philosophical questions. This inquiry asks whether policies discouraging having children might be an answer.

Schooling for the Greater Good
The pandemic has shown the strength of collectivity. Can schools do more to shift moral focus from individualism towards the common good?

Covid-19: Political Turmoil and the Opportunity for Change
Revolutionary socialists have long argued crisis hails an opportunity for economic change. Which societal changes should Covid hail in?
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